Chronology or Brightness-Sense
Chronology or Brightness-Sense
Chronology or Brightness-Sense
Chronology or Brightness-Sense
Chronology or Brightness-Sense
Call: 305 389 0928
Ask for Albert
Call: 479 977 1233
Ask for Steve
Click any image to see AMBLYOMETER Slideshow


Determines if subject understands BRIGHTNESS! Repeat if needed. Dont't play Game unless subject knows which image is BRIGHTER!

No GLASSES! The subject must choose the brighter image to avoid an ERROR message.

Do not PLAY unless subject knows which image is BRIGHTER!

Choose NO Parity. Touch PLAY.

Put on glasses, insure the test images are on the side of the Partner Screen Filters. Set rotation on LOCK (red) in iPad settings.

Choose the BRIGHTER image, TOP or BOTTOM. Watch for bobbing, the rhythmic aimless bottom-top-bottom-top clicking of young children. This will lead to errors.

In the right lower corner is a "0.0", indicating to imbalance of brightness. 0.3 log units is within normal range. Repeat the test at least once or until consistent scores.

Put on the Polarizing Glasses.

Choose the BRIGHTER spaceship.

Notice "0.0" in right lower corner, same as test #1. Can do Parity to verify a balance system.

Simply enter 4 endpoints and results are calculated: Download Calculator